A. Background
With the crisis being faced, we may need different endeavors to help Risk probability identification and mitigation.
One such interest is the Customer Engagement Cycle in 2020, where Awareness, Acquisition, Retention and Referrals are known to happen.
We find wear-on(s) that are sold without sealed packaging are available in the following options
1. New and purchased from a store
2. New and purchased online
3. Old and purchased from a store or resale mart
4. Old and purchased online
5. Old and purchased from a person
6. Old and received from a person
7. New or Old and received from a Public service programme
8. New or Old and got via value added sales from different outlets
B. With the health threats seen, the Customer Engagement Cycle should include a Risk probability identification and mitigation stage.
To be on par with the Risk probability identification and mitigation, we must sanitize wear-on(s) in the times of concern (2020).
C. Today what is possible is the use of disinfecting wipes for smaller products For production, one could use Market-specific disinfecting-wipes or opt for heat treatment if this does not affect the product.
For everyday use, one could Home-made disinfecting-wipes
Referring to disinfectants from herbs
+ Calendula adverse for mothers to be
+ Myrrh is used as an antiseptic in mouthwashes, gargles, and toothpastes
+ Cinnamon may possess antiviral effects
+ Thyme contains antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, carminative, diaphoretic, and expectorant properties which supports healing throughout the entire body
D. We must develop steps to sanitize Wear-on(s)
1. Customer Enabling for Wear-on(s) will help if they include a Sanitized or Health Accountable Card
1.1. The significance of a Health accountable Card
Mainly tagged by manufacturers, distributors, retailers and resellers known to use minimum contamination or positive health programmes
1.2 The significance of a Sanitized Card
Mainly tagged prior to any handshake where wear-on(s) are exchanged
2. Positive health programmes for Wear-on(s)
We are least expected to disinfect, clean or wipe clean many products. To include concern for health threats, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and resellers could
a. Design a triage system to categorize steps to be taken to ensure Positive health or minimum contamination.
b. The triage has a Code for Hygienic practices, Assessment of microbial quantity after final production (known to depend upon the site, it’s collective handling, it’s waste management and it’s clutter free storage) and Use of medicinal herbs or herb extracts to reduce microbial quantity.
c. Tag the product
3. Sanitized Card for Wear-on(s)
a. The Sanitizing Card process could include a Code for Hygienic practices and Use of medicinal herbs or herb extracts to reduce microbial quantity.
b. With this done, the last step could be to tag the product
4. Product packaging should include exclusive material
Packaging should contain the chronological sequence of actions to be taken if the Health Accountable or Sanitized Card is not attached or damaged or missing
E. Flowchart for the Customer Engagement Cycle
Awareness -> Acquisition -> Satisfaction -> Conversion -> Retention -> Referral -> links to Awareness again