Specific interest: (Sports) Personnel Management and Fulfillment System
The experience known by most players:
The multi-aspect equation for sports being the responsibility that lies
between Self-development and “Design for Performance” development
1: Need for Design for Performance
The sports-minded in our country and many others do not have any universal or certified best practices for (Sports) Personnel Management (or in true sense Player Management).
To get started, we need to design a multi-aspect profile for every sportsman or sports-minded person who is interested in investing time, resources and self-development for sports.
The multi-aspect profile can be part of a “Design for Performance” conceptualization that necessitates a Design for Performance registration.
2. The Design for Performance registration
The first step is, to mandate that, for (Sports) Personnel Management, we must register a profile for a sportsman or sports-minded person who is also under the age of xyz years (who is seriously interested in investing time, resources and self-development for sports) in a new “seed to delivery” (Sports) Personnel Management and Fulfillment System.
This System will help “self-development and growth for high-performance or regular sports-relevant-performance” and is called the Design for Performance framework.
3. This Design for Performance Profile can include:
Date of registration or revision:
a. Sport played:
b. Sports skill level of the player: Individual level/ Team level/ Multi-level or International level
c. Sports skill rating (expected) for the player: Fair/Good/ Excellent/High-performance
d. Is there any National interest in the sport: Fair/Good/Very Good/ Not applicable
e. Is there an Existing (Sports) Personnel Management and Fulfillment System: Equity level system/Yes/No/Not yet developed
f. Objectives of the player/sports-minded person:
10. …
g. Design for Performance logo (sported) by the player: Global-level player/ Continent-level player/ National-level player/ State-level player/ Professional/ Amateur/ Trainer
h. Design for Performance (coverage) for the player: Primary for skill guidance/ Instrumental for skill guidance/ Secondary for skill guidance/ National Sports Directory level for skill guidance i. Sense of proportionate objectivity of the player:
Details of this objectivity:
To “toughen something” or to “endure something” or to “elevate performance”, a person or player must improve upon the Emotional Quotient and Intellectual Quotient (rather than calling it Intelligence Quotient) for self-development and growth for high-performance or regular sports-relevant-performance, where there is a new Forward Thinking for General Health and Fitness.
Global insights mean that there is an Origin of interest-based dimension for this, to start off in this assessment we call this as a “Common Factor” which can be represented as
(Zero: Origin of interest-based dimension that comprises of 3 interconnected
elements pf performance)
1. Ability
2. Sense of proportionate objectivity
3. EQ/IQ for skill development
The triangle of insight or objectivity being to understand behavioral responses, weaknesses, or trends of performance for stress levels, liability to perform or a lease of trust to deem that the “Team’s” interests or “Design for Performance” interests are more important than self-interests.
This sense of proportion being to
[ ] a. Recognize and reflect upon the need to “toughen something” or to “endure something” or to “elevate performance”,
[ ] b. Plan for performance via a (Sports) Personnel Management and Fulfillment System, the National interest for the sport and/or Self-network available for self-development and any “Design for Performance” coverage.
[ ] c. Show Resilient objectivity to use systems and to not misuse drugs, banned substances to develop, to create skill, to evolve, to rise to full potential, to reconnect or rejuvenate (when there are losses or loss of benefits)
[ ] d. To Show Inclination/Responsibility/Obligation to transform oneself from being sports minded to understand the “Techno-learning relevant”, the need for a Training schedule or programme, to undergo personality development, to opt for “Recovery and Rehabilitation”, to acknowledge the need for “Risk management and bridging” to achieve the design for performance needed
[ ] e. (In high-performance) To Show endurance beyond normal extents via realistic approaches like evaluating “Life Score factors -> and Life Skills factors - > and thereon Endurance Skills factors”.
j. Training schedule or programme for the player:
k. Techno-underlining for the player:
l. Personality development (based on objectivity) for the player:
m. Recovery and Rehabilitation Programme for the player:
n. Risk Management or Bridging for objectivity (for example the need to return to routines amidst the health threat 2020):
o. Transference for learning “as a role”:
This begins the journey for those who wish to design performance into their
sports or like minded interests...