Dated: Project Centre Id:
Name of Project : Project Group:
Curriculum & Year: Semester:
Name and address of Project Centre or institution:
Contact details for the Project:
Telephone numbers:
Mobile numbers:
Email ID(s):
Contact details of the Project Centre:
Telephone numbers:
Mobile numbers:
Email ID(s):
Any other details that need to be considered:
Name(s) of Project Guide(s)
Part of any organization:
Contact details:
Name(s) of Project Mentor(s)
Part of any organization:
Contact details:
Basic profile or statement of purpose
Specifics for Sustainable Development and Growth
If there are problems, specify:
Scope for problem solving:
If there are problems, specify:
Any handicap or special ability of the member(s)
Utilization of any assisting devices or aids by the member(s)
Project and its need for assistance or special facilities
[ ] Ramps for wheel chairs
[ ] Well-designed and properly maintained stair rails
[ ] Lifts or Elevators
[ ] Special category toilets
[ ] Others
If others, specify details:
Project Centre Policies, Procedures and Records:
Identification and Assessment of Risks:
Whether Project is intellectual property or insured [ ] Yes [ ] No
If so, provide suitable details:
Records for Secure disclosure:
Schedule management:
In case of concerns or other arrangements, specify details:
Whether any assistance needed for disclosure or IP development?
Schedule management:
In case of concerns or other arrangements, specify details:
Resource management:
In case of concerns or other arrangements, specify details:
Funds management:
In case of concerns or other arrangements, specify details:
Critical Areas of attention:
In case of concerns or if assistance is needed, specify details:
Others requirements or involvement(s):
If others, specify:
Feedback: This section could be filled in by the team or member(s).
(+) Centre’s assistance for allotment of time, resources and funds
[ ] Very satisfied
[ ] Satisfied
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify details:
(+) Interaction with Project Guide(s)
[ ] Very satisfied
[ ] Satisfied
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify details:
(+) Interaction with Project Mentor(s)
[ ] Very satisfied
[ ] Satisfied
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify details:
Team-level learning abilities:
[ ] Satisfactory
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify
Interaction with Project Centre or institution’s administration
[ ] Very satisfied
[ ] Satisfied
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify details:
Interaction with senior students
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] No issues
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify details:
Interaction with peers
[ ] No issues
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify details:
Interaction with Project welfare counselor
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] Very satisfied
[ ] Satisfied
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify details:
Counselor’s report (if relevant section to be filled by Project Centre):
Whether disclosed? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If no, why so?
Any cause for concern? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, specify details:
Areas of improvement for team or member(s):
Any Complaints or redressal that need to be addressed by the Project Centre
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] No complaints
[ ] No redressal issues
[ ] Have issues
In case of issues, specify details:
Feedback on Project Centre by member(s) (to be reviewed by the institution)
[ ] Good
[ ] Satisfactory
[ ] Missed assessments
[ ] Affected by Project in-situ or external factors
If affected, specify details:
[ ] If affected by in-situ factors
If affected, specify details:
[ ] If affected by external factors
If affected, specify details:
[ ] Any other cause for concern
Explanation by the Project welfare counsellor on what affected the Project team and their effort, where purpose is discussed for a continual review on periodic influencers (to be filled in by member(s))
Satisfactory explanations available [ ] Yes [ ] No
If No, or help sought specify details:
Confidential Evaluation of project for any GOI alignment: (This needs to be filled in periodically by the Project Guide, Project Mentor or Project Welfare counsellor)
Nature of Project Report:
Alignment via design:
Scope of implementation:
Project understanding for development, solution finding or re-engineering:
End to end management of the investment of time, resources and funds:
Any other cause for concern
Project indicators (to be filled in by institution)
These indicators will be used by a higher level authority to assess usefulness of the Project Centre for this student.
[ ] Satisfactory implementation with Centre’s norms [ ] Yes [ ] No
If No, specify details:
[ ] Satisfactory monitoring [ ] Yes [ ] No
If No, specify details:
[ ] Satisfactory evaluation [ ] Yes [ ] No
If No, specify details:
[ ] Satisfactory escalation [ ] Yes [ ] No
If No, specify details:
[ ] Any other communication [ ] Yes [ ] No
If Yes, specify details:
Verified By: Authorized By:
Date: Date: