Today we have no Environment related Dictionary or Portal that helps develop and use V2E interventions, where V2E means Verbalizing to Etiquette.
Without blaming or finding fault
Today and for most of the tomorrows we are part of, environments such as Schools or Colleges, Workplaces, GOI offices, Social Networks can induce intervention, if a person, group or deterministic element is found using foul language or offensive words.
+ Rules are made to help plan interventions or solutions beforehand.
+ If there is an incident or known issue, the steps are mostly a “call to notice” disciplining of behavior, or in severe cases, discharge of further action or punishment.
+ To most of us this may mean, we need to respect or show interest to avoid using
a. Offensive language (which can result in “Corrective Action 1 for Realistic Etiquette”)
b. Foul language (which can result in “Corrective Action 2 for Realistic Etiquette”)
c. Known or unknown Bad words (which can result in “Corrective Action 3 for Realistic Etiquette”)
d. Most derogatory language (which can result in “Corrective Action 4 for Realistic Etiquette”)
This is sometimes enough, but today, all of us are not able to demonstrate this etiquette.
To achieve a sense of coping up, these environments can access, develop or expect to rely on a new V2E Portal that customizes a Realistic Etiquette Dictionary (or V2E Dictionary) which can help a;”V2E” authority belonging to the associated environment take correction action, when there is an incident or issue of a person, group, contextual social group violating the Realistic Etiquette expected.
The B2B solutions, IT solutions or Social networking technologies used in these environments can also use or develop universal or improved V2E monitors, that help these environments act, react to or reduce the possibility of offensive language interfering with or affecting involvement.
The V2E Monitors when authorized and deployed can filter a message, a post, a response, a comment, feedback or any verbal dictation of subsequent text detail, that is sent or received via messaging or communicating software used in the environment.
We are used to typing and seeing the intelligent interpretation of our words or partial words changing to recommended information, so most communication software can filter information while being typed while being sent or received, the next stage could be the use of filters that are used for realistic etiquette.
Social interest to communicate is important, but the same does not enable one to use language that is not expected or not officially permitted in an environment. Right to Information Acts, formal etiquette norms are all well-known but cannot prevent issues that occur online or in technologically enabled communications.
A. Steps to help are for example
1. Responsive Involvement for a “V2E Dictionary” that relates foul or offensive language to categorizations as a first step, where the categorizations can include
a. Offensive language (which can result in “Corrective Action 1 for Realistic Etiquette”)
b. Foul language (which can result in “Corrective Action 2 for Realistic Etiquette”)
c. Known or unknown Bad words (which can result in “Corrective Action 3 for Realistic Etiquette”)
d. Most derogatory language (which can result in “Corrective Action 4 for Realistic Etiquette”)
2. As the novelty to list words that belong to each category is an exercise, we can request dictionary publishers to help enlisting, as dictionaries include recognizable foul words or bad words etc
3. Today, we are aware of the unexpected use of the English language to represent bad words or foul words or offensive phrases from other languages, in this case, the V2E Dictionary or Improved V2E Dictionary will need to be added to or revised, to synchronize with realistic surveillance that can be installed, to intelligently infer on terms / words / phrases that are not known to be formal nor offensive, so these need to be evaluated for Realistic Etiquette that may be needed.
Drafts of interpretations can be resultantly generated for V2E authorities to infer on and include relevantly as part of the Corrective Action for Realistic Etiquette enlisting for all or any coping up possible.
B. Introspection
Building belief is important for all spheres of life, V2E Dictionaries or V2E Monitors can cause a person to reflect on habitual, instinctive, degenerative to self-esteem based foul language.
The V2E Dictionaries and Contextual Relativity can help give explanations as to what offensive language can cause or resultantly cause, where it may not be easy for people impacted or involved to cope up with the issues that may arise.
When introspection or essential relativity is not possible, then “Emotional Quotient Improvement” can help.
C. Proactive catalysis for Emotional Quotient Improvement
We could time and again as Social circles or personally discuss with offenders or people interested the next steps, as to whether there is any emotional quotient improvement involved:
1. Do the use of bad words or foul words make the person using them feel better?
2. Do the use of bad words or foul words reduce the feeling of frustration or disrespect to oneself?
3. Do the use of bad words or foul words prevent one from using physical force or violent action?
4. Do the use of bad words or foul words help one organize oneself, that is, to accomplish a sense of relief or strength?
5. Do the use of bad words or foul words help one re-energize positive or healthier feeling towards people or environments that affect us?
6. Can a physical activity have helped reduce or control an offensive outburst?
7. Does the offender or group need goal setting to reduce or control offensive outbursts?
8. Are there influencers that the offenders or group would like to discuss?
9. Social networks can come up with novel resolutions, that can help habitual offenders or people cope up by joining V2E Social Sensitization Groups, that come together, to help a person or contextual group overcome these habits or overcome the degrading of the “self” that we are all part or proactively part of.
10. Nature, as the natural environment around us, can play a role in understanding that when one is stressed, or burdened or inherently affected, a “sense of resolute and silent involvement” may help a person using such language reduce the tilt to emotional balance or the ensuing invariable impact that may affect what we do not know enough about.
Meaning that, the natural emotional quotients of each and every one of us is or may not be
the same, that is silent listening, or positive responsiveness, or more simply ignoring.
The listener or receiving party may choose to adopt reactions dependent on his, or her or their understanding of self-preservation and responsiveness.
D. Extending involvement for Life Skills methodologies and sensitization
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