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to Care

More Continual Synergy, Conformity and Safety 


More to Care - Insight

It is visionary to say that the overall synergy in healthcare and wellness needs more continual focus today. The bridge between Healthcare Today and Healthcare NEXT should be more than a possible incorporation of some patient-centric and healthcare centric services. It needs to be said that the bridge today is more of framework that ensures that healthcare is

  • Patient-centric

  • In-time

  • Specialized / Continual for Due Care

  • Preventive

  • Corrective

  • NEXT Steps-based - However tomorrow it needs to be all this, with more planning for Overall Accountability and Qualified Transformability (...more details follow)

Our Services

Our Target Customers

Further to Veritable and Safe Healthcare

Our testimonials are

Work in progress

Healthcare Providers

Our testimonials are

Work in progress

Diagnostic Service Providers

Our testimonials are

Work in progress

Pharmas or Druggists and Chemists


The Synergetic Care available today

  1. Accredited and Certified services (as applicable)

  2. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Clinical Practices (GCP) and Good     

  Dispensing Practices (GDP) in healthcare and wellness networks

  3. SMART / in-time services and Specialized Care (as applicable)

  4. Qualified and Accountable care for being patient-centric and forward enabling

  5. Transformable for 24/7 Emergencies, Contingency and Criticality

  6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) enabled


We find that all this is minus a Planned Intelligence (PI) Index which can add of what we call as Continual Synergy, Conformity and Safety for Overall Accountability and Qualified Transformability (abbreviated as CS Plus)

From Due Intelligence to
Planned Intelligence

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