Any water body (nearby sea, river, lake, pond, well) has 3 well-defined aspects such as
•(1) The sources of pollution that may pollute or contaminate the water body •(2) Zoning (as originally developed or due to man’s intervention, more details will be available in the next version of this document) •(3) Quality of water indices based on this zoning •This said, it is apparent that man has not designed sustainable systems of conservation or utilization to address an issue looming large – Polluted water bodies and degradation of the surrounding environment. •It is important that architects, designers, developers, builders & construction companies understand the above 3 aspects of water bodies while planning construction or development in nearby areas.
Architects, designers, builders and developers must act to mitigate the issue looming large - man’s dependency on water bodies (rather than rainfall) and the current issues in building habitats near them or in expecting to use them. •The construction industry must ensure there is (a use of water specific) “Sampling schedule and Point Slope Interception” implemented for all water bodies within the vicinity of their sites and building elements. •Today the issues we see are more due to inadequate planning and sustainable involvement rather than nature turning against man. •It is important to design and implement Time, Motion and Scale studies for all water bodies within a prescribed radius of habitats and industries. These studies could become mandatory for those planning construction projects or development of landscapes, industries, habitats and COMBOs of them.
These Time, Motion and Scale studies must involve •(1) Risk Mitigation •(2) Condition monitoring •(3) Traceability systems •(4) Preventive systems •(5) Corrective systems
•The Point Slope Interception System is one such effort to interrelate issues faced today with the expectation to develop and grow in a diverging radius of habitats and industries. •The Point Slope Interception System identifies different facets of a water body and then implements “Quality of water assessments and interceptions” to deal with the various issues like afflicted self-purification, pollution, climate change, microbial increase and the need to mitigate risks associated with water bodies.
Form Serial No: Date: Facility associated ID or Water Body ID (unique serial number):
Source of pollution (Tick as applicable): [ ] Industry specific discharge of effluents [ ] Agricultural sewage and pollutants [ ] Human sewage [ ] Domestic Waste Water [ ] Runoffs (agricultural, storm water, other water bodies) [ ] Diffusion into the ground water table
Use of water from the water body (Tick as applicable): [ ] Industries
[ ] Food processing industries [ ] Diary and poultry farms
[ ] Agriculture [ ] Irrigation
[ ] Public Water Supply [ ] Rearing of aquatic life [ ] Landscaping
[ ] Development projects [ ] Climate Change Mitigation Adaptation projects
Assessment of self-purification system (Tick as applicable): [ ] Dilution and dispersion due to large volume of receiving bed [ ] Discharge timings when there is more exposure to sunlight [ ] Sedimentation at the point of outfall of effluents [ ] Improvised oxidation [ ] Higher reduction reactions due to hydrolysis of organic matter in water at the point of outfall [ ] Regulation of temperature [ ] Regulation of turbulence [ ] Regulation of currents, rapids, falls
Associated scientific systems for pollutant removal (Tick as applicable): [ ] Controlling of hydrography [ ] Standards for discharge of effluents into water body [ ] Regulation of dissolved oxygen levels [ ] Improved rate of re-aeration [ ] Controlling of amount and type of organic matter [ ] Controlling of % levels and type of biological growth (algae etc) [ ] pH regulation and modification
Associated technology driven systems for pollutant removal (Tick as applicable): [ ] Chlorination [ ] Coagulation with alum [ ] Ordinary filtration [ ] Active carbon filtration [ ] Ultra advanced filtration [ ] Waste water treatment
Form Serial No: Date: Name of building or facility: Facility associated ID or Water Body ID (unique serial number): Name of company that knows zoning and indices: Name of company maintaining water body: Annual Maintenance Contract No (if relevant):
Nature of work: [ ] Risk Mitigation Priority Complaint No: [ ] Incidence based call Complaint No: [ ] Emergency call or disaster Priority Complaint No: [ ] Preventive maintenance
Nature of inspection or assessment (Tick as applicable): [ ] Safety from hazards and accidents [ ] Quality of water (see in-depth section) [ ] Signs of bio-accumulation and bio-magnification [ ] Signs of foul smelling gases (methane, ammonia etc) [ ] Signs of eutrophication [ ] Scum
[ ] Sludge
[ ] Oil and grease pollution
Nature of inspection or assessment (Tick as applicable): [ ] Signs of toxic contaminants (metals, metal compounds, trace elements, complexes of metals, organometallic compounds) [ ] Signs of aquatic life dying [ ] Signs of birds dying [ ] Incidences of water borne diseases in people living nearby or using water [ ] Incidences of nitrate poisoning in people living nearby or using water [ ] Signs of corrosion of pipelines connected to the water body [ ] Signs of accelerated corrosion of metals coming in contact with this water
Nature of routine inspection or assessment (Tick as applicable): [ ] Traceable incidences of any silt, sediment buildup [ ] Condition of any gutters and downspouts (to be kept free from debris, leaves etc) [ ] Condition of any storage tanks, lids and associated sediment buildup [ ] Condition of any overflow pipes, overflow filter path and/or secondary runoff reduction practices [ ] Structural integrity of associated tanks, pump, pipes and electrical systems
In-situ systems [ ] Self-purification system [ ] Treatment system between zones [ ] Pollutant removal system [ ] Water treatment system (prior to in-flow and/or prior to out-flow) [ ] (Utilization specific) Purifier and disinfection system
Quality of water inspection or assessment (Tick as applicable): [ ] % of Organic wastes [ ] % of Pathogens [ ] % of Detergents and soaps [ ] % of Oil [ ] % of Solid particles or particulate matter [ ] % of Increased heat or rise in temperature [ ] % of Phosphates and nitrates from fertilizer runoffs [ ] % of Broad spectrum pesticides [ ] % of Non-bio degradable pesticides [ ] % of Traces of toxic chemicals (mercury, asbestos, lead cyanide) [ ] % of Fluorides [ ] % of Organic Sulfur [ ] % of chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia [ ] % of iron, manganese [ ] % of hydrocarbons and phenols [ ] % of dyes (iron and chromium compounds) [ ] % of corrosive matter [ ] % of radioactive wastes
Record of sampling:
Time taken: Date: Nature of sampling: Details of sampling: Next scheduled date: Done by:
Record of symptomatic issues: Date: Symptoms: Details of symptoms: Last Point Slope Intercepts (Pollutant %): Done by:
Record of quality: Date: Quality: Details of quality: Analysis of quality/pollutants: Plan of action: Done by:
Point Slope Intercepts for Pollutant levels: In the field of mathematics, ones uses a concept called Point Slope form to find the slope of a line passing through two distinct points drawn with reference to a X and Y axis.
In this insight to control pollution levels, the Point Slope form concept is used to plot the graph of pollutant levels (in % as per a specific category) collected from a water body on a periodic basis (where this could be diurnal, daily, weekly, fortnightly etc).
The graph is plotted with time (as dates in the dd-mm-yyyy format) on the X-axis and the pollutant level (in %) on the Y-axis.
The trend and slope of the graph will thereon be helpful in scenarios where a secure contact organization functions to review the pollution levels of a water body in order to assess, report or orchestrate (in close coordination) responsiveness.
Responsiveness could mean controlling the amount of untreated sewage, effluents, non-biodegradable waste that flows into the water body by either going in for the 5Rs with green lifecycles (that is Risk Mitigation, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Renew) in habitats and industries close to the water body or by specially treating the waste water from these sites or by improving the self-purification system of the water body. More details will follow in the next version of the document.
Acceptable graphs of the adequate responsiveness of a site will show minimal or controlled changes in the slope of the line joining 2 points in the Point Slope Interception graph.
Record of performance (Tick as applicable): •[ ] No complaints •[ ] Occasional complaints •[ ] Recent complaints •[ ] Complaints since a long time •[ ] Rising number of complaints •[ ] Quality and effectiveness of Self-purification system •[ ] Quality and effectiveness of Treatment systems between zones •[ ] Quality and effectiveness of Pollutant removal system •[ ] Quality and effectiveness of Water treatment systems •[ ] Quality and effectiveness of Purifier and disinfection system
•Current problem or complaint or observation?
•Whether subsequent actions will be taken?
Record of interceptions or remedial actions: Date: Nature of interceptions or actions: Details of interceptions or remedial actions: Cost of interceptions or remedial actions: Preventive and Corrective actions: Done by:
Whether Corrective Action is outlined? ( Yes/No) Details:
Whether Preventive Action is planned? ( Yes/No) Details:
Whether Grievance Redressal was necessary? ( Yes/No) Details:
What will be done to prevent re-occurrence of problem or issue?