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Bosch DNA NXT Program

Emergency Response Agility (More to the Brief highlight)

AOEC’s “design pro-activeness” highlights that not all factories or business units will be close to hospitals, healthcare service providers and point of care facilities to expect them to manage disaster, or emergency or risk response with foreseeable control, accuracy, reliability and timeliness. AOEC’s Factory Integration Centre (FIC+) helps design, develop and improve a risk response system for a postal pincode based Transition Index that can help a Factory/Business/Business chain show agility for incidences, emergencies or risks. Our FIC+ for emergency response will design pro-activeness via
1. "Bring-to-needful-interest" vital ER solutions
2. Support for "Global scale influencers like climate change related disasters / risks"
3. Support for "National scale influencers like global warming levels related disasters / risks"
4. Support for "Endeavor India scale influencers like nation-wide emerging / recurring disasters / risks"


The FIC+ solution will be developed using different elements

FIC+ Solution framework


Social Accountability for Emergency Response

Responsive & Sustainable development is termed as development that meets the needs for life score codification, risk mitigation and disaster management for trends seen or futuristically possible.

Factory Integration Centres and Connected Emergency Response Centres need to be designed, developed and incorporated in factories/businesses/business chains/ buildings / facilities (called as sites) to help resultant involvement or swift action to save and protect life, infrastructure and equipment.

+91 9342867666

53 East Park Road
Bengaluru, 560055

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